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Re: Problems with grub booting XEN 2 on RaidFrame.

On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 08:57:10PM +0000, Marcin Jessa wrote:
> > Is your RaidFrame volume raid0 or raid1 ? grub can only handle raid1
> > (i.e. mirror)
> Raid1. I may not have expressed myself clearly enough in my initial email.
> Grub can boot my XEN0 fine. The problem/issue I was struggeling
> with was the kernel size of the GENERIC XEN0 kernel.
> GRUB was unable to boot an 8.5M uncompressed kernel image. 
> But it booted a smaller, custom XEN0 kernel just fine.

OK, so looks like a limitation of grub then, maybe related to ffs2. I use
only ffs1, and never had problems.

> So I was wondering about the restrictions on the kernel size GRUB can take.
> And suggested a SoC project to improve our native bootloader code 
> to be able to handle XEN so one didn't have to deal with silliness GRUB.

This would still be a different boot loader than one the we have now,
because Xen expects completely different things. And you still want
to be able to boot a native i386 kernel :)

> Since I have you "on the line" Manuel. Is XEN3 code usable yet ?

As domU, more or less. There is PTE corruption in some situations, but
I've also been able to complete build.sh release sets.
As dom0, not yet.

> If not, any idea if Linux would work as a XENU domain with XEN2 on 

It will, but you may not have the last linux kernels available.
I have some linux domU running.

Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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