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Re: RuntimeError: (61, 'Connection refused')

Tino Wildenhain wrote:
    comment out the warning lines (well, this is not a real fix but shuts
    it up).

err. maybe it would be better to just replace the module?
The warnings are there for a reason - allowing software
developers to migrate ahead of time before a module
is removed in some later python version.

        Of course. However, it looks like xen tools should
        be modified then, they seem to use xmlrpclib, which in
        turn uses xmlrpc. I have no idea how much work this would

For end users, the warnings can be supressed, see

-W option for the python interpreter.

        How could I pass this to, lets say "xm" without
        modifying anyting ? Is there an environment variable
        for this ?

                Ari S.

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