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Re: [Fwd: Re: Netbsd XEN nothing I can boot in]

If I use noapic (for the xen.gz line of course) my dom0 won't boot due

I was gonna say acpi=off I don't understand why mounting my LVM root stops if I disabled acpi...

In the end, if you implement all the kernel options specified and it effects your dom0, you are better off running a NetBSD dom0 under xen3. That could

No, can't do it. That was my first intention but the dom0 kernel stopped at the smartarray 5i controller driver (cciss) and hung. I couldn't solve that.

Unless you plan on developing, Id say you are stuck with three options:
* Run a linux xen3 domu

No pls...

* Run a NetBSD dom0


* Drop back to xen2

That is probably the desired choice.

I am awfully surprised that the xen kernel options are required at all. The assumption by this community up to this point has been that the problem was with the NetBSD xen3 hypervisor and dom0, not the domu.

At least this experience may provide valuable input for future development.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

That's ok, I appreciate your efforts.


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