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Re: xbd IO domain 2: error 5 (Xen2, NetBSD 3.0)

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On 5 Oct 2006, at 23:19, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 11:09:42PM +0200, Johan Ihren wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Hi Manuel,

for one thing: I now see a sprinkling of

        "xbd IO domain 2: error 5"

in the logs and on the console. Never saw that before. It is always
"domain 2" (which is started at boot) and always "error 5" (which I
assume is "IO error" a la errno.h). I haven't noticed any real
problems, though, everything *seems* to still work fine.

But I sure would like to know what the problem is (especially if this
signals a REAL problem somewhere) and why it arrived in combination
with the disk replacement. Any ideas?

Is it a physical partition or a vnd ?


If it's a physical partition make sure you didn't make it too short.
If it's a vnd, make sure you can read the whole file, and that it
get truncated.

There were no errors during dump/restore from old disk to new disk.
The file has the correct size and I'm able to read it all from the
Dom0 without any errors.

Hum, can you dd from /dev/rvnd0d to /dev/null the whole device ?
If the error comes from xbdback itself, there should be another error
message before this one.

Stupid me, I checked that I could read the *file* not the *device*:

dom0-1:store/xen#dd if=vm/master.img bs=8192 of=/dev/null
49152+0 records in
49152+0 records out
402653184 bytes transferred in 9.437 secs (42667498 bytes/sec)

The device does indeed show an error:

dom0-1:store/xen#vnconfig -c vnd0 vm/master.img
dom0-1:store/xen#dd if=/dev/rvnd0d bs=8192 of=/dev/null
dd: /dev/rvnd0d: Input/output error
6014+0 records in
6014+0 records out
49266688 bytes transferred in 1.501 secs (32822576 bytes/sec)

Hum. You were spont on, the filesystem is indeed truncated. So I tried to recover by mounting the image and constructing a new, clean one with makefs and now the evidence is plain to see:

dom0-1:store/xen#makefs -t ffs -b 256m -f 10000 vm/master.2.img tmpmnt
Calculated size of `vm/master.2.img': 429924352 bytes, 16581 inodes
Extent size set to 8192
vm/master.2.img: 410.0MB (839696 sectors) block size 8192, fragment size 1024
        using 8 cylinder groups of 53.45MB, 6842 blks, 2240 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
     32, 109504, 218976, 328448, 437920, 547392, 656864, 766336,
Populating `vm/master.2.img'
makefs: Reading `tmpmnt/usr/mdec/netboot_ne2000_isa.rom', 8192 bytes to go: Input/output error

Many thanks for the quick help, Manuel. Now that I know what has happened I'll recreate the image from another source.



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