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Re: rebooting a domU

On 2/21/07, Jonathan A. Kollasch <jakllsch%kollasch.net@localhost> wrote:
I've got a 4.99.4 dom0, with xenkernel30-3.0.3.
When I 'shutdown -r now' in a 3.1 domU, or
'xm reboot foo' in the dom0, the domain doesn't come back.

In xend.log:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/kern/xen/balloon'

Looks like you need to mount /kern.  Make sure the following is in
/etc/fstab in the dom0:

kernfs /kern kernfs rw

and then "mount /kern" (or reboot the dom0) to get the filesystem.

-- Todd Vierling <tv%duh.org@localhost> <tv%pobox.com@localhost> 

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