Manuel Bouyer wrote:
Are you sure your Xen kernel is ACPI-enabled ?
Well, no, I'm not sure. But I am using the kernel I downloaded from ftp.n.o/pub/NetBSD-daily/netbsd-4/200603280002Z/... Is that one ACPI-enabled?
Also, can you boot a i386 GENERIC.MPACPI (or GENERIC.MP if it's recent 4.0 or current) ?
yes, GENERIC.MP from NetBSD-daily/netbsd-4/200603280002Z boots fine. nialas# uname -aNetBSD 4.0_BETA2 NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 (GENERIC.MP) #0: Thu Mar 29 03:06:41 PDT 2007 builds@wb31:/home/builds/ab/netbsd-4/i386/200703280002Z-obj/home/builds/ab/netbsd-4/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.MP i386
nialas# --david