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Re: Xen News

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 09:28:45AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
Christoph Egger <Christoph_Egger%gmx.de@localhost> writes:

XenSource removed the support for powerpc and support for 32bit non-PAE.

Xen 3.3 will come without powerpc support and
x86 32bit hypervisor with PAE only.
So it seems we should be maintaining 3.2 xenkernel/xentools in pkgsrc
for quite some time, as NetBSD 3 and NetBSD 4 domUs can't handle PAE.

And also because some system without the PAE extentions can run Xen
just fine.

Can you give some example, please? Those systems without PAE I know
are i586 class. Xen still requires i686 class.

> I'd like to keep these supported if it doesn't cost us too

The main reason for removing non-PAE support is the fact that 4GB RAM
are not really much in the virtualization world. Most Xen developers/users on xen-devel/xen-users have machines with 8 and 16GB RAM.


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