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Re: Xen 3.3 News

On 2008-07-09 16:24 +0200 (Wed), Christoph Egger wrote:

> The status is that I can't launch HVM guests because the qemu-dm
> process doesn't get launched. I did not yet figure out why.
> Once I can run HVM guests, the Xen 3.2 packages are ready to go
> into pkgsrc.

Do the current packages run HVM guests? If not, I'd say get this into
pkgsrc right away, since it at least gives us other features.

Do you mind privately sending me your xen3.2 packages? I've got a couple
of AMD machines that 3.1 does not run well on (can't start a domU), and
I'm hoping that 3.2 will fix this.

Curt Sampson       <cjs%starling-software.com@localhost>        +81 90 7737 
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