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netbsd 40 freezes during install on HVM instance

I started to install netbsd 4.0 (amd64) on an HVM instance. It freezes
during an attempt to create a partition. Here's my config file. Let me
know what else you might like.

# Kernel image file.
kernel = "/usr/pkg/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"


# Initial memory allocation (in megabytes) for the new domain.
memory = 256

# A name for your domain. All domains must have different names.
name = "hvm-netbsd-4"

#Network interface. By default emules a realtek 8139. For a NetBSD guest you
# have to disable re(4) and let rtk attach to use it.
# ne2k_pci emulates a pci ne2000 clone; this his cpu-hungry in dom0
# pcnet emulates a AMD PCnet-PCI controller; but it corrupts packets with
# pcn(4) under NetBSD.
#vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3e:00:00:13, bridge=bridge0, type=ioemu, model=ne2k_pci' ]
#vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3e:00:00:13, bridge=bridge0, type=ioemu, model=pcnet' ]
vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3e:00:00:13, bridge=bridge0, type=ioemu' ]

# device model to use: only qemu-dm available for now
device_model = '/usr/pkg/libexec/qemu-dm'

# Define the disk devices you want the domain to have access to, and
# what you want them accessible as.
# Each disk entry is of the form phy:UNAME,DEV,MODE
# where UNAME is the device, DEV is the device name the domain will see,
# and MODE is r for read-only, w for read-write.
# For hvm domains you can only use hda to hdd. You can set extra types
# (e.g. cdrom)

disk = [ 'file:/sys/domains/domU4/disk,ioemu:hdb,w',
hdd:cdrom,r' ]

#disk = ['phy:/dev/wd0j,ioemu:hdc,w']
# floppy images; this doesn't seem to work currently. Use a iso image instead.
#fda = '/home/domains/boot1.fs'

# boot device: a = floppy, c= hard drive, d= cdrom (with the disk entry
# before)

# By default, 'xm create' will try to open an X window on the current display
# for the virtal framebuffer. You can have the virtal framebuffer in vnc
# instead, and connect using a vnc client (using localhost:$vncdisplay)
# If vncunused is set to 1 (this is the default value), vncdisplay
# will be set to the first unused port; so it's recommended to
vnc = 1
vncdisplay = 0
vncunused = 0

#Xen emulates a PS/2 mouse, but the pointer in the guest has difficulties
# tracking the absolute position. Xen can emulate a USB tablet in addition
# to the mouse which will report the absolute position of the pointer,
# and make the mouse much easier to use.

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