I found pr 33487.
This was for dom0 i386 for NetBSD 3.99.19.
I have been running a version of firefox-linux on a dom0 i386
NetBSD-4.0 without problem. Maybe I was just lucky.
Here is additional info
Xen 3.0 i386 dom0 NetBSD-4.0 i386 dom0 firefox-linux-2 works
Xen 3.3 amd64 dom0 NetBSD-4.99 i386 domu firefox-linux-2 works
Xen 3.3 amd64 dom0 NetBSD-4.99 i386 domu firefox-linux-3 causes panic
(with LDT option on)
This is an artifact of which Linux pthread library the application's
linked to. The old library used a method of allocation for thread local
storage which Xen couldn't efficiently accomodate, so under Xen it was
slow as molasses. The new one uses a method which requires adjusting
the processor's LDT (note that, oddly enough, NetBSD's libpthread
requires neither). Unfortunately, the USER_LDT option doesn't work
right under NetBSD/xen.