On Feb 6, 2009, at 4:56 AM, Mike Bowie wrote:
Mike Bowie wrote: To summarize the final setup:* ACPI disabled for Xen by adding "acpi=off" to it's entry in / boot.cfg* ACPI disabled for dom0 by building a kernel excluding it * Xen's RAM access restricted by limiting it's RAM with mem=3072MB
We had a similar problem (already in NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 + XEN 3.0) on our Dell 2950:s. This was due to a BIOS bug (the reserved memory (~700MB) for the PCI bus wasn't presented correctly or at all, it think. Ragge knows more about this than I do...). So once the BIOS was upgraded to the latest version, we could remove the memory limitation from XEN and it runs stable now (NetBSD 4.0 + XEN 3.1.2-4).
* dom0's ohci support removed by excluding such devices from the kernel