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Re: Watchdog timeout in NetBSD HEAD based domu (HVM)


Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 04:20:09PM +0100, Wolfgang Solfrank wrote:
Ok, while in this case, the original poster seems to have access to the dom0
and thus probably is able to reconfigure the emulated hardware, this may not
always be the case.  E.g. on my virtual server, I'm stuck with using the re
driver.  In order to get (somewhat) usable performance out of this, I had to
patch the driver (see attached).

Do you know if there's an easy way to autodetect this ?
Maybe disable the timer on the first timeout ? Add a sysctl ?

I haven't looked into it yet.  As my earlier mentioning of the problem[1] was 
received with much euphoria, I just patched my own kernel and be done with it.

[1] http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-xen/2010/01/14/msg005626.html

Wolfgang%Solfrank.net@localhost                         Wolfgang Solfrank

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