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Re: Create Debian domU on NetBSD (tutorial)

Marcin M. Jessa wrote:
> Step1: " Now you'll have to create a network bridge:"
> Make sure to also mention that you need to create
> /etc/ifconfig.bridge0 with following:
> create
> !brconfig $int add bge0
> up
> Where bge0 is my physical inet iface. This will bringe bridge
> interface at boot with predefined network interface as it's member.
>    *Step 5:*
> Make sure you mention that you edit /etc/rc.conf and add there
> something as:
> xend=YES
> xendomains=YES
> xendomains="domain.foo domain.bar"
> xenbackendd=YES
> Where domain.foo and domain.bar are your xen configs for these
> domains, i.e $LOCALBASE/etc/xen/domain.foo.
> In my case $LOCALBASE is defined as /usr/local, it's normally /usr/pkg
> This will bring xen at boot and automatically start your DomUs.
> Marcin

Thanks for the feedback. I'll take that into consideration.

Victor Dorneanu

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