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Re: is it a Xen strange behavior or a NetBSD one?

On 18.05.2010 19:13, erinlalouve%free.fr@localhost wrote:
De: "Jean-Yves Migeon"<jeanyves.migeon%free.fr@localhost>
The "script" entry warning is harmless.

You will get more information by checking the logs in /var/log/xen* , as
well as dmesg.

Of interest, usually, failing to start multiple domUs is due to missing
/dev/vnd* nodes in /dev. To mount disk image files, the scripts use
vnconfig(8), and if all are already consumed by previously started domU,
vnconfig/mount will fail.

# cd /dev
# ./MAKEDEV vnd4 vnd5 vnd6 ...

> NB: you should rather post this on port-xen@.
I saw on internet computers with much more domU, so I know it's a problem
> with my configuration, but I haven't found anything usefull to be able
> to do the same...
best regards,

Next step:
- try booting additional domUs, but without any vif configured:

vif = [ '' ]

- if it boots, try with a minimal vif:

vif = [ 'bridge=bridge0' ]

Anyway, copy/paste your config file here, with only the required information (== without the comments).

Jean-Yves Migeon

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