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Re: Help request for hung Xen Server

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 07:53:09PM -0500, John.Hayward%wheaton.edu@localhost 
> Hi Xeners,
>    I have consistently experienced hang when a DOMU does large file transfer
> into the DOMU.  The hang is on the DOM0.
>    Here are some particulars:
> DOM0 NetBSD-5.0.2 adm64 - has 512MB memory for DOM0
> using vnd0 for disk for DOMU
> DOMU Ubuntu-10.4LTS 32bit - has 1024MB memory for DOMU
> Have re ethernet card 1Gbit
> Transfer was from a local network.
>     Transfer is either push or pull.  Transfer starts then hang the
> Xen server in a very short time (less than 10MB).
>    Can transfer out from DOMU without problem.
>    Can copy 13MB file on DOMU without issue.
>    Normal kinds of things appear to work - eg from Linux apt-get
> update etc.
>     I don't see any kernel panic message on the DOMO console.
>     Just a repeatable solid hang.
>     Any suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.

Any chance to run with a serial console for xen and dom0, and run the
xen-debug.gz kernel ?
if so, you can switch serial console input to xen with ^A^A^A
then type commands (h for help).
Interesting outputs could be 'q'.
Also, you can try to enter NetBSD's ddb with +++++
and play with some commands (e.g. show events to see if interrupts
are still processed).

Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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