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Re: Device 769 (vbd) could not be connected

On 23/06/2010 2:13 PM, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
Sarton O'Brien<bsd-xen%roguewrt.org@localhost>  wrote:

disk = [ 'file:/usr/pkg/etc/xen/debian-tmp.img,xvda,w' ]
root = "/dev/xvda1 ro"

I tried with xvda and /dev/xvda1 like in your config, but without any
Error: Device 51713 (vbd) could not be connected.

Mmm, I think that line may only be cosmetic.

Straight off, I'd say you are missing the initrd, which is required
(assuming it has the relevant modules) to access the filesystem.
Typically this results in a panic.

Also, you are using a relatively old linux version,

Well, I agree this will have to be fixed, but this is not the problem,
as the kernel does not even start up.

I figured as much but it's still useful for future reference. I had a lot of trouble locating required information. From memory, the version you're using has issues with certain updated software within the linux domU, after updating it will fail to boot.

It looks like you got it going either way :)


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