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Re: call for testing: xen 4.1 packages

On 03/30/11 17:53, Toby Karyadi wrote:
On 3/30/2011, "Christoph Egger"<Christoph_Egger%gmx.de@localhost>  wrote:

On 03/30/11 16:28, Toby Karyadi wrote:
On 3/30/2011, "Christoph Egger"<Christoph_Egger%gmx.de@localhost>   wrote:

On 03/30/11 10:42, Stefano Marinelli wrote:
I have packaged xen 4.1.

Get the packages from

This is a great, great news! Thank you Christoph!

I will test it in three different machines, and will report back if I'll find 
any problem.
Is it working just with -current or also with 5.1?

I tested on -current only. Backward-compatibility to latest NetBSD
releases to supposed to be maintained in pkgsrc.

Please also report successful tests.


Hmm, the netbsd boot just went blank after showing that it's loading the
xen kernel file. I had the same problem with the xen40 build from the
pkgsrc package the last time you made the call for testing for 4.0. At
that time I thought that was a deficiency in the netbsd boot and I tried
grub, but it didn't help. I was able to get a hold of a prebuilt 4.0
xen.gz that came with some linux distro, I forgot which one, and I was
able to boot with it and had a functioning netbsd xen40 setup.

My kernel is netbsd 5.99.45 XEN3_DOM0 amd64 from 2011-02-14 0500Z. The
second stage boot loader (/boot) is up to date from that version. I
built the xenkernel41 by copying the xenkernel41.tar.gz into my
pkgsrc/sysutil, unpacking it and did 'make install'. Copied the
installed /usr/pkg/xen41-kernel/xen.gz to /xen41.gz and the boot.cfg
entry for it looks like below:

menu=Boot HEAD 201102140500Z xen41:load /netbsd-201102140500Z-XEN3_DOM0.gz 
console=pc root=wd2a;multiboot /xen41.gz dom0_mem=128M

Retry with this line:

menu=Boot HEAD 201102140500Z xen41:load
/netbsd-201102140500Z-XEN3_DOM0.gz console=pc root=wd2a;multiboot
/xen41.gz dom0_mem=128M console=vga


Adding 'console=vga' to the original did not have any effect. Btw, when
I used the xen-debug.gz, instead of just displaying a blank screen and
not responding to Ctrl-Alt-Del, it rebooted on its own. It probably
doesn't mean anything to you.

I'm building a xen.gz on a Centos 5.5 64 bit using the source tgz from
xen.org. I'll let you know if I find anything.

Is there something special in how you boot it
(i.e. pxegrub, loading xen via tftp then boot) ?


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