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Re: Issues with NetBSD-5.1, xen and amd64 machines.

        Hello.  So now I'm really confused.  Changing the relevant line in
/boot.cfg on my xen machine from:

menu=Boot Xen and Dom0:load /netbsd console=com1;multiboot /xen/xen 
dom0_mem=1024M console=com1 com1=115200,8n1


menu=Boot Xen and Dom0:load /netbsd console=com1;multiboot /xen/xen 
dom0_mem=1024M console=com2 com1=115200,8n1

causes xen to put output on the right serial port.  It may be that the
console=com1 on the NetBSD command line is superfulous, but the example in
the man page doesn't say that.  Are you saying that it doesn't matter what
I put on the NetBSD portion of the command line?
If that's the case, I'd still think an update to the man page is in order,
just a slightly different one, a change I'm happy to make.


On Sep 23,  4:46pm, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
} Subject: Re: Issues with NetBSD-5.1, xen and amd64 machines.
} On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:30:52AM -0700, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} >     Hello.  I've now got output from xen and the dom0 kernel.  It panics,
} > but I think I can make progress from here.
} > The problem with the lack of boot messages was that it wasn't obvious to me
} > that NetBSD starts counting serial ports at com0, while xen starts at com1.
} > So,  I assume that the example in the boot.cfg(5) man page has output from
} > NetBSD going to com0, as NetBS counts it, and xen output going to com1, as
} > NetBSD counts it.  In fact, the output of both is going to the same serial
} > port with each using its own numbering convention.  Should I update the
} > boot.cfg(8) man page to make this more clear?
} I don't understand how using com0 or com1 for NetBSD would make a difference.
} The code handling this is in arch/xen/x86/consinit.c and
} only check for "tty0" of "pc" (both being the VGA console); anything else
} fall backs to xencons, which goes through the hypervisor (only the
} hypervisor is talking to the serial port).
} >From the console cut'n'paste you posted earlier, the bootloader wasn't
} even trying to load the xen kernel (or at last it didn't say it on console).
} -- 
} Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost>
}      NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference
} --
>-- End of excerpt from Manuel Bouyer

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