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upgrading a dom0 box

   I want to upgrade a NetBSD 5.1_STABLE/amd64 dom0 box to a 
current(ish) system.  As a first step I tried booting the new 
XEN3_DOM0 kernel leaving the userland unchanged.

The system came up but when it tried to start the client domains it 
would print:

Jun 14 09:25:37 green-mountain /netbsd: xbd backend: attach device 
vnd0d (size 80005120) for domain 1

pause for a bit then print

Jun 14 09:27:17 green-mountain /netbsd: xbd backend: detach device 
vnd0d for domain 1

the xend.log has

[2012-06-14 09:25:37 281] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for 
devices vif.
[2012-06-14 09:25:37 281] DEBUG (DevController:171) Waiting for 0.
[2012-06-14 09:25:37 281] DEBUG (DevController:656) 
hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-
[2012-06-14 09:27:17 281] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2409) 
XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=1

whereas a normal startup is

[2012-06-14 09:37:13 286] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for 
devices vif.
[2012-06-14 09:37:13 286] DEBUG (DevController:171) Waiting for 0.
[2012-06-14 09:37:13 286] DEBUG (DevController:656) 
hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-
[2012-06-14 09:37:13 286] DEBUG (DevController:670) 
hotplugStatusCallback 1.

This is xen{tools,kernel}33.

So is there some bit of the current userland I need for this to work?  
(dont want to commit to a nonreversable change till I'm happy this 
will work).


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