Jeff Rizzo <> taught me;
Q. Is it worth choosing 2+ core service on EC2 for NetBSD/xen? I heard that NB6 xen can not utilize 2+ cores at a time....NetBSD 6 (and -current) can indeed use multiple cores on EC2. NetBSD 5.1 and earlier can only use one.The NetBSD 6.0_RC1 AMIs will be available on EC2 in the next couple days. See:
Good to hear about it. I've been gradually shifting my local NB functionalities into Cloud services. By combining other free-of-charge or inexpensive online services, Cloud NB6 is a versatile enough to run my daily life and intensitive / serious projects in a flexible manner. I think I will not buy PC anymore beside portable notebooks which are considered disposable. Toru Nishimura / ALKYL Technology / 15 year dedication for NetBSD