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Re: Xen 4.2 added to pkgsrc

On Oct 16,  7:37am, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
} On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 12:00:13AM -0700, John Nemeth wrote:
} > [...]
} >      I await the new report with baited breathe.  :-)
} I tested the xen 4.2 packages, and could start and stop a netbsd PV domU
} without problems. There may be issues with the rc.d scripts, but as

     If you're using xl, then you shouldn't have xenbackendd or xend
running.  The rc.d scripts have been re-arranged so that xenbackendd
gets started by rc.d/xend instead of rc.d/xencommons.  As far as I
know, the rc.d scripts are fine.  You should only set xend=YES if you
plan on using xm.

} I have a special setup where 4 xen versions can coexists, I'm not in
} a good position to debug this.

     This sounds like a rather complex setup....

} HVM guests are not working yet as qemu nor the boot loader are built
} at this time. To avoid duplicate work I'll ask: is anyone working on this ?

     I updated a bunch of patches before doing the initial commit.
However, it was taking a great deal of time to just get them to build
and I wanted to get at least something to show, so as you noticed I
commented out qemu.  I haven't gotten back to working on qemu and have
only made minor fixes since the initial commit.  If you want to work on
qemu, that would be great.  Prior to this, I hadn't done any
significant work with the Xen codebase, so you're probably a lot more
famailiar with it then I am.

}-- End of excerpt from Manuel Bouyer

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