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Re: [PATCH] Fix ptr calculation when converting from a VA

On Nov 29, 11:39am, jym%NetBSD.org@localhost wrote:
} The ptr calculation shall take the offset into the page into account
} when ptr is valid.
} Reported regression on NetBSD's port-xen with last known working libxen
} being rev 2.9. This corrupts the kernel symbol table when the table is
} not loaded on a page boundary.
} Issue was tracked down by FastIce and Jeff Rizzo. See also
} http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-xen/2013/10/16/msg008088.html

     I noticed that this patch got applied to sysutils/xen*41.  Shouldn't
it be applied to sysutils/xen*42 as well?

} Signed-off-by: Jean-Yves Migeon <jym%NetBSD.org@localhost>
} ---
}  tools/libxc/xc_dom.h | 2 +-
}  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
} diff --git a/tools/libxc/xc_dom.h b/tools/libxc/xc_dom.h
} index a183e62..7099cee 100644
} --- a/tools/libxc/xc_dom.h
} +++ b/tools/libxc/xc_dom.h
} @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ static inline void *xc_dom_vaddr_to_ptr(struct 
xc_dom_image *dom,
}      if ( ptr == NULL )
}          return ptr;
}      *safe_region_out = (safe_region_count << XC_DOM_PAGE_SHIFT(dom)) - 
} -    return ptr;
} +    return ptr + offset;
}  }
}  static inline xen_pfn_t xc_dom_p2m_host(struct xc_dom_image *dom, xen_pfn_t 
} -- 
}-- End of excerpt from jym%NetBSD.org@localhost

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