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Re: libvirt status with Xen (netbsd 6.1.2 amd64) ?

Alistair Crooks writes:
- On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 06:57:25PM -0500, Eric Schnoebelen wrote:
- > giannidaprile writes:
- > - libvirt is compiled with only qemu backend by default.  Pkgsrc doesn't
- > - currently have any buildlink glue for xen so this is not trivial.  Sure
- > - would be nice to have.
- > 
- > I took a wag at doing this a week or so ago.  It turns out the
- > xen hypervisor interfaces in the libvirt edition in pkgsrc have
- > more linux-ism's and other strangeness to keep the patches
- > reasonable.  The xen hypervisor interface could be re-written
- > using solely xen API calls (through libxc) and it would be much
- > cleaner and easier to maintain.  However, I didn't feel like
- > refactoring the entire source file as a patch, so it's going
- > back onto the back burner.

Last weekend I took another wag at this, and discovered if I
used the libxl interfaces in libvirt, I could get it to build
easily, and fairly quickly.

I'm now going through the package, and trying to add support for
a couple of the storage drivers (as options) that it seems
NetBSD could easily support.  I hope to be checking the changes
in over the upcomming weekend.

One note, currently only xentools42 provides the needed
libraries and include files required for libvirt to build.  So,
libvirt currently requires xentools42 when the "xen" option is

If someone wants to take a wag at exporting more of the include
files and libraries in xen41, it could be supported too..
(actually, any xen release that provides a libxl and associated
include files should be possible to support.)

Eric Schnoebelen                eric%cirr.com@localhost         

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