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Re: HVM disc corruption (was Re: Xen won't start its device backend?)

On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 06:54:56PM +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Can you try to dump near the end of the disk, instead of near the start ? dd
> skip=xxx should do it.
> If it's a variable overflow somewhere that causes the wrong block to be read
> this should catch it.

Yep, i dumped it from block 964200000 (of 964205424) and i did get completely
different results. Block 8.388.608 (2^32/512) reads in the same so its not an
overflow i think.

The error only starts to show between block 250.000.000 (27.89 bits) and block
300.000.000 (28.16 bits). And indeed, block 268.435.456 (2^28) maps to sector
0 but block 268.435.455 is wrong already.

Looking at the dmesg, am I right that the piixide in compatibility mode is
thus resulting in this error since the hvm wd0 uses LBA48 addressing.

As a side notice, the network in hvm is VERY slow most likely due to the
number of watchdog timeouts i get from re0. Dumping got into the 4kb/sec ;)

I used
  vif = [ 'mac=90:e6:ba:6c:6f:d2,bridge=bridge0' ]

is that the preferred way? or should i also use a ioemu: line somewhere? We
sure could use an update in the wiki and port-xen pages as well in the
examples installed.

Would either of you care to look at the piixide code?

With regards,

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