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Re: Issues trying to use LVM logical volumes with Xen 4.5, NetBSD 7.0_RC3 dom0 and domU

In Message <CAJYAQCB0rR-AVTuUsDszmJgB6r=c+Z7_nQA1baMi7pO08bCOOg%mail.gmail.com@localhost>,
   Adrian Christiansen <adrian.christiansen%gmail.com@localhost>wrote:

=>Hi guys!,
=>I can get the INSTALL kernel to boot, I can use files as the disk, but
=>I can't seem to get LVM volumes to work with Xen. I'm using 7.0_RC3
=>201509221450Z, with Xen 4.5 installed from the 7.0_2015Q2 binary
=>packages on the nyftp.
=>There's an error message on the console too:
=>xbdback backend/vbd/11/0: unknown device 0x70616d2f7665642f
=>xbdback backend/vbd/11/1: unknown device 0x70616d2f7665642f
=>xbdback backend/vbd/11/2: unknown device 0x70616d2f7665642f
=>This is the config file for the domU:
=># -*- mode: python; -*-
=>kernel = "/xen/wilhelm/netbsd-INSTALL_XEN3_DOMU.gz"
=>memory = 128
=>name = "wilhelm"
=>vif = [ 'mac=aa:00:00:d1:00:09,bridge=bridge0' ]
=>disk = [ 'phy:/dev/vg0/lv0,hda,w',
=>'phy:/dev/vg1/lv1,hdb, w',
=>'phy:/dev/vg1/lv0,hdc, w' ]

   Try the new syntax:

disk = [ "/dev/vg0/lv0,raw,xvda,backendtype=phy", "/dev/vg1/lv1,raw,xvdb,backendtype=phy", "/dev/vg1/lv0,raw,xvdc,backendtype=phy" ]

				Gary Duzan

=>LVM is running, even made newfs on the logical volumes, mounted them
=>and unpacked the installations sets. xenbackendd is not running, as
=>one thread talked about.
=>I've been searching trying to find an answer, but can't make heads or
=>tails of this... anyway, I'm stuck.
=>Thankful for any help!,

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