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Unable to use all physical memory

I've used NetBSD/Xen for perhaps 5 years, at least 3 different major
versions of xenkernel/xentools combined with NetBSD 6.x and 7.0.

Recently, when using Xen 4.5 and xl, I no longer can make use of all
physical RAM.  This is a show-stopper problem for my usage.


$ xl cr foo.cfg
Parsing config from foo.cfg
libxl: error: libxl.c:4832:libxl_set_memory_target: new target 0 for dom0 is below the minimum threshold

According to xentop, there is plenty of memory left:

Mem: 8355064k total, 6706832k used, 1648232k free    CPUs: 4 @ 2401MHz

But foo.cfg only asks for 1 GiB.:

kernel = "/u/NetBSD/NetBSD-6.1.5/amd64/netbsd-XEN3_DOMU"
memory = 1024
vcpus = 1
name = "nbsd64v61"
vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3e:64:61:68, bridge=bridge0' ]
disk = ['file:/xen/netbsd/netbsd-64-6.1.img,xvda,w']
on_shutdown = "destroy"
on_reboot = "restart"
on_crash = "destroy"

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