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slow net on new linux vm

Hi, all.  Running the following:

  monolith# uname -a
  NetBSD monolith.dsrw.org 6.1.5 NetBSD 6.1.5 (XEN3_DOM0) amd64
  monolith# pkg_info |grep xen
  xentools45-4.5.1nb7 Userland Tools for Xen 4.5.x
  xenkernel45-4.5.1nb1 Xen 4.5.x Kernel

And I have a strange problem I can't think of how to
troubleshoot.  When I create a new linux VM, like this:

  monolith# cat /xen/conf/errol
  name       = "errol"

  ramdisk    = "/xen/kernel/Linux/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/initrd.gz"
  kernel     = "/xen/kernel/Linux/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/vmlinuz"
  #bootloader = "/usr/pkg/bin/pygrub"

  memory     = 256
  vcpus      = 2
  disk       = [ 'raw:/dev/mapper/small-vm.errol,xvda,w' ]
  vif        = [ 'bridge=bridge0' ]

The network is so slow as to be unusable.  If I am patient
enough, the installer finishes, but the slow network problem
follows to the completed VM - SSH sessions are unusable but `xl
console errol` works about as quickly as one should expect.

Old VMs that I've migrated in from probably 4.1 or 4.2 running
Ubuntu Trusty work great, I'm typing this note to you from one of

Even stranger - NetBSD domUs don't exhibit this behavior.

Has anyone  seen this behavior or have any suggestions for


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