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Re: Trouble installing a NetBSD domU

On 26/06/16 20:40, John Nemeth wrote:
} maxvcpus="2"
>      Not needed.
> } maxmem=1024
>      Not needed.

I'll take 'em out, thanks!

> } kernel="/domU/blob-cache/NetBSD-7.0.1.install-kernel.gz"
> } disk=["phy:/dev/vg0/vm2-root,0x0,w", "phy:/dev/vg0/vm2-swap,0x1,w"]
>      You need to provide a CD image with the installation sets
> unless you're planning on installing over the net.  Also, the
> installation procedure is very similar to the regular procedure
> for installing onto bare metal, which means that you get to partition
> the virtual disk,

Yes! I'm doing a net install from the INSTALL kernel for experimental
purposes, but once that's working, I actually plan to just extract sets
directly into the domU filesystem (along with a premade /etc) and boot
straight into the production kernel. This is part of a cunning plan to
basically entirely drive installation from scripts so my domUs are
recreatable at the flick of a switch (and all I need to version-control
is the setup script, rather than remember to track ad-hoc changes in
various files).

> so you don't need to provide a seperate disk for
> swap, unless for some reason you really want one.

Yeah, I have my reasons for that, too (easy independent resizing and, in
future, swap on fast striped storage while data is on mirrored storage)

>      Also, make sure that /usr/pkg/etc/xen/scripts contains the
> latest scripts from /usr/pkg/share/examples/xen/scripts.

Yep. Same MD5sums, at least.

> } vif=['mac=aa:00:00:d1:00:2,bridge=bridge0']
>      Is the bridge configured and up?

I believe so - it's <UP,RUNNING>:

pkbs# ifconfig -a
bridge0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING> mtu 1500
flags=8963<MULTICAST> mtu 1500
	address: aa:00:00:d2:00:02
	inet6 fe80::a800:ff:fed2:2%xvif18i0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6

>      Hanging here usually indicates that one of the devices (disk,
> network) isn't ready.


Manuel Bouyer also wrote:

> it looks good; I gess it's now waiting for the dom0 to provide the
> virtual devices (maybe the disks).
> does "dmesg" in dom0 shows anything ?

Good call. It has this:

xbdback backend/vbd/18/0: unknown device 0x70616d2f7665642f
xbdback backend/vbd/18/1: unknown device 0x70616d2f7665642f
xvif18i0: Ethernet address aa:00:00:d2:00:02
xbd backend domain 18 handle 0 (0) using event channel 22, protocol
xbd backend domain 18 handle 0x1 (1) using event channel 23, protocol

..."unknown device" on the block devices by the look of it!

I think I'm running all the right daemons:

pkbs# /etc/rc.d/xencommons status
xencommons are running as pids  1070 1086.
pkbs# ps -p 1070 -p 1086
1086 ?   Il   0:00.01 /usr/pkg/sbin/xenconsoled
pkbs# ps -p 1070
1070 ?   I    0:00.25 /usr/pkg/sbin/xenstored --pid-file

Hmmm, I can't find any mention of this situation in the search engines
or the Xen HOWTO. Please can I have a hint? :-)



Alaric Snell-Pym

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