On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 01:11:50PM -0400, Al Zick wrote:
Okay, I tried disabling the re driver with userconf. I booted up
and it
seemed to work fine. However, after many reboots, while it was
booting I
get one rtk0: watchdog timeout. I am not sure if this is
anything to be
concerned about or not.
If it's only one it should be harmless.
There is also the issue of resizing the / partition. I use
disklabel -e
Then "A", next I change the size of partitions. I already had added
resize_root=YES to my rc.conf, but it didn't resize. After
trying many
different things, I was able to corrupt the root partition, so
now it
boots if I run fsck_ffs manually.
Do you have log option for / in the fstab ?
If so that's why resize_root didn't work.
You can remove log from fstab, reboot and once root has been
add log back.