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Re: Instability issues with NetBSD-9, xen-4.11 and the xbdb backend driver

	hello.  I'm using old 5.2 domU's, which are single-cpu systems, as
part of my test.  Will these not work?  Also, temporary memory shortages
seem like they shouldn't manifest as memory corruption.  In any case, I'll
try to update the dom0 to -current and give things a whirl.

On Apr 14,  8:42am, =?UTF-8?B?SmFyb23DrXIgRG9sZcSNZWs=?= wrote:
} Subject: Re: Instability issues with NetBSD-9, xen-4.11 and the xbdb backe
} Le lun. 13 avr. 2020 à 23:41, Brian Buhrow <buhrow%nfbcal.org@localhost> a écrit :
} >
} >         hello.  I haven't tried working on this since I reported the pr.  I
} > think it's actually a zfs related issue, since if I don't use zfs, I can't
} > reproduce the problem.  Do you believe the zfs memory corruptions have been
} > fixed in -current?
} It's possible the grant interface upgrade helped. So if you can try,
} please do - I don't have zfs setup myself. You need to update both
} Dom0 and DomU to -current to take advantage of that.
} It could be only that zfs is just way more memory hungry, and there
} are temporary memory shortages because of that.
} Also, Manuel just fixed the MP bug in -current, so MP DomUs should now
} again work without performance issues.
} Jaromir
>-- End of excerpt from =?UTF-8?B?SmFyb23DrXIgRG9sZcSNZWs=?=

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