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not an ELF binary

I tried to boot a 9.99.70/amd64 XEN_DOM0 kernel on a 16G box with a
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz cpu. Something about not an
ELF binary flashed by and the box rebooted. GENERIC works fine on said box.

I just reproduced this with qemu, and the message there is:

(XEN) ELF: not an ELF binary
(XEN) ****************************************
(XEN) Panic on CPU 0:
(XEN) Could not set up DOM0 guest OS
(XEN) ****************************************

The recipe was:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
        -m 4G \
        -machine q35 \
        -bios /usr/pkg/share/ovmf/OVMFX64.fd \
        -smp 4 \
        -no-reboot \
        -nographic \
        -drive file=/scratch1/diskimages/xen.fs,if=virtio,media=disk,snapshot=off,format=raw \
        -nic tap,ifname=tap0,model=virtio,mac=52:54:c0:a8:32:65,script=no,downscript=no

(still with qemu 5.0.0nb5) and

menu=Boot XEN:consdev com,0x3f8,115200;rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;load /netbsd-XEN3_DOM0 console=com0;multiboot /xen-debug.gz dom0_mem=1024M console=com1 com1=115200,8n1

Coincidence, or sensible venue for debugging?



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