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Re: NetBSD DomU (PV) hangs on Xen 4.13.1 / NetBSD 9.1

Hi Manuel,

Am 22.12.2020 um 15:40 schrieb Manuel Bouyer:

Please test with a virtual disk backed by something else than a zvol ...

With this config...

name = "builder91"
kernel = "/netbsd-XEN3_DOMU.gz"
memory = 16384
vcpus = 8
vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:74:32:42,bridge=bridge0' ]
disk = [

(and as seen in the path name, the image located on a ZFS dataset for the sake of quick snapshots) it seems to work flawless. Stress testing is still pending, but at least it boots into multiuser mode and provides normal response.

So in summary, the "mistake" was that ZFS ZVOLs are not suitable yet for beeing used as backend storage for Xen Dom U? While this is not so good news, I am still happy as I learned something more on Xen configuration today and want to thank all of you for your valuable input.

Kind regards

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