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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/hp300/hp300 First sweep of adding register prefix: ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 477565:fe82a0b22e15
user:      thorpej <>
date:      Thu Oct 21 21:10:24 1999 +0000

First sweep of adding register prefix: %a0 - %a7.


 sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s |  700 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 350 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1405 to 300 lines):

diff -r 604ccd090197 -r fe82a0b22e15 sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s
--- a/sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s     Thu Oct 21 20:48:59 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s     Thu Oct 21 21:10:24 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.99 1999/09/17 19:59:42 thorpej Exp $      */
+/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.100 1999/10/21 21:10:24 thorpej Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Gordon W. Ross
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 #define        _RELOC(var, ar)         \
        lea     var,ar;         \
-       addl    a5,ar
+       addl    %a5,ar
 #define        RELOC(var, ar)          _RELOC(_C_LABEL(var), ar)
 #define        ASRELOC(var, ar)        _RELOC(_ASM_LABEL(var), ar)
@@ -120,39 +120,39 @@
        movw    #PSL_HIGHIPL,sr         | no interrupts
-       ASRELOC(tmpstk, a0)
-       movl    a0,sp                   | give ourselves a temporary stack
-       RELOC(esym, a0)
+       ASRELOC(tmpstk, %a0)
+       movl    %a0,sp                  | give ourselves a temporary stack
+       RELOC(esym, %a0)
 #if 1
-       movl    a4,a0@                  | store end of symbol table
+       movl    %a4,%a0@                        | store end of symbol table
-       clrl    a0@                     | no symbol table, yet
+       clrl    %a0@                    | no symbol table, yet
-       RELOC(lowram, a0)
-       movl    a5,a0@                  | store start of physical memory
+       RELOC(lowram, %a0)
+       movl    %a5,%a0@                        | store start of physical memory
        movl    #CACHE_OFF,d0
        movc    d0,cacr                 | clear and disable on-chip cache(s)
 /* check for internal HP-IB in SYSFLAG */
        btst    #5,0xfffffed2           | internal HP-IB?
        jeq     Lhaveihpib              | yes, have HP-IB just continue
-       RELOC(internalhpib, a0)
-       movl    #0,a0@                  | no, clear associated address
+       RELOC(internalhpib, %a0)
+       movl    #0,%a0@                 | no, clear associated address
-       RELOC(boothowto, a0)            | save reboot flags
-       movl    d7,a0@
-       RELOC(bootdev, a0)              |   and boot device
-       movl    d6,a0@
+       RELOC(boothowto, %a0)           | save reboot flags
+       movl    d7,%a0@
+       RELOC(bootdev, %a0)             |   and boot device
+       movl    d6,%a0@
         * All data registers are now free.  All address registers
-        * except a5 are free.  a5 is used by the RELOC() macro,
+        * except %a5 are free.  %a5 is used by the RELOC() macro,
         * and cannot be used until after the MMU is enabled.
 /* determine our CPU/MMU combo - check for all regardless of kernel config */
-       movl    #INTIOBASE+MMUBASE,a1
+       movl    #INTIOBASE+MMUBASE,%a1
        movl    #0x200,d0               | data freeze bit
        movc    d0,cacr                 |   only exists on 68030
        movc    cacr,d0                 | read it back
@@ -163,49 +163,49 @@
         * 68030 models
-       RELOC(mmutype, a0)              | no, we have 68030
-       movl    #MMU_68030,a0@          | set to reflect 68030 PMMU
-       RELOC(cputype, a0)
-       movl    #CPU_68030,a0@          | and 68030 CPU
-       RELOC(machineid, a0)
-       movl    #0x80,a1@(MMUCMD)       | set magic cookie
-       movl    a1@(MMUCMD),d0          | read it back
+       RELOC(mmutype, %a0)             | no, we have 68030
+       movl    #MMU_68030,%a0@         | set to reflect 68030 PMMU
+       RELOC(cputype, %a0)
+       movl    #CPU_68030,%a0@         | and 68030 CPU
+       RELOC(machineid, %a0)
+       movl    #0x80,%a1@(MMUCMD)      | set magic cookie
+       movl    %a1@(MMUCMD),d0         | read it back
        btst    #7,d0                   | cookie still on?
        jeq     Lnot370                 | no, 360 or 375
-       movl    #0,a1@(MMUCMD)          | clear magic cookie
-       movl    a1@(MMUCMD),d0          | read it back
+       movl    #0,%a1@(MMUCMD)         | clear magic cookie
+       movl    %a1@(MMUCMD),d0         | read it back
        btst    #7,d0                   | still on?
        jeq     Lisa370                 | no, must be a 370
-       movl    #HP_340,a0@             | yes, must be a 340
+       movl    #HP_340,%a0@            | yes, must be a 340
        jra     Lstart1
-       movl    #HP_360,a0@             | type is at least a 360
-       movl    #0,a1@(MMUCMD)          | clear magic cookie2
-       movl    a1@(MMUCMD),d0          | read it back
+       movl    #HP_360,%a0@            | type is at least a 360
+       movl    #0,%a1@(MMUCMD)         | clear magic cookie2
+       movl    %a1@(MMUCMD),d0         | read it back
        btst    #16,d0                  | still on?
        jeq     Lstart1                 | no, must be a 360
-       RELOC(mmuid, a0)                | save MMU ID
+       RELOC(mmuid, %a0)               | save MMU ID
        lsrl    #MMUID_SHIFT,d0
        andl    #MMUID_MASK,d0
-       movl    d0,a0@
-       RELOC(machineid, a0)
+       movl    d0,%a0@
+       RELOC(machineid, %a0)
        cmpb    #MMUID_345,d0           | are we a 345?
        beq     Lisa345
        cmpb    #MMUID_375,d0           | how about a 375?
        beq     Lisa375
-       movl    #HP_400,a0@             | must be a 400
+       movl    #HP_400,%a0@            | must be a 400
        jra     Lhaspac
-       movl    #HP_345,a0@
+       movl    #HP_345,%a0@
        jra     Lhaspac
-       movl    #HP_375,a0@
+       movl    #HP_375,%a0@
        jra     Lhaspac
-       movl    #HP_370,a0@             | set to 370
+       movl    #HP_370,%a0@            | set to 370
-       RELOC(ectype, a0)
-       movl    #EC_PHYS,a0@            | also has a physical address cache
+       RELOC(ectype, %a0)
+       movl    #EC_PHYS,%a0@           | also has a physical address cache
        jra     Lstart1
@@ -225,20 +225,20 @@
         * 68040 models
-       RELOC(mmutype, a0)
-       movl    #MMU_68040,a0@          | with a 68040 MMU
-       RELOC(cputype, a0)
-       movl    #CPU_68040,a0@          | and a 68040 CPU
-       RELOC(fputype, a0)
-       movl    #FPU_68040,a0@          | ...and FPU
-       RELOC(ectype, a0)
-       movl    #EC_NONE,a0@            | and no cache (for now XXX)
-       RELOC(mmuid,a0)                 | save MMU ID
-       movl    a1@(MMUCMD),d0
+       RELOC(mmutype, %a0)
+       movl    #MMU_68040,%a0@         | with a 68040 MMU
+       RELOC(cputype, %a0)
+       movl    #CPU_68040,%a0@         | and a 68040 CPU
+       RELOC(fputype, %a0)
+       movl    #FPU_68040,%a0@         | ...and FPU
+       RELOC(ectype, %a0)
+       movl    #EC_NONE,%a0@           | and no cache (for now XXX)
+       RELOC(mmuid,%a0)                        | save MMU ID
+       movl    %a1@(MMUCMD),d0
        lsrl    #MMUID_SHIFT,d0
        andl    #MMUID_MASK,d0
-       movl    d0,a0@
-       RELOC(machineid, a0)
+       movl    d0,%a0@
+       RELOC(machineid, %a0)
        cmpb    #MMUID_425_T,d0         | are we a 425t?
        jeq     Lisa425
        cmpb    #MMUID_425_S,d0         | how about 425s?
@@ -251,16 +251,16 @@
        jeq     Lisa433
        cmpb    #MMUID_385,d0           | or a 385?
        jeq     Lisa385
-       movl    #HP_380,a0@             | guess we're a 380
+       movl    #HP_380,%a0@            | guess we're a 380
        jra     Lstart1
-       movl    #HP_425,a0@
+       movl    #HP_425,%a0@
        jra     Lstart1
-       movl    #HP_433,a0@
+       movl    #HP_433,%a0@
        jra     Lstart1
-       movl    #HP_385,a0@
+       movl    #HP_385,%a0@
        jra     Lstart1
@@ -272,30 +272,30 @@
-       RELOC(fputype, a0)              | all of the 68020 systems
-       movl    #FPU_68881,a0@          |   have a 68881 FPU
-       movl    #1,a1@(MMUCMD)          | a 68020, write HP MMU location
-       movl    a1@(MMUCMD),d0          | read it back
+       RELOC(fputype, %a0)             | all of the 68020 systems
+       movl    #FPU_68881,%a0@         |   have a 68881 FPU
+       movl    #1,%a1@(MMUCMD)         | a 68020, write HP MMU location
+       movl    %a1@(MMUCMD),d0         | read it back
        btst    #0,d0                   | non-zero?
        jne     Lishpmmu                | yes, we have HP MMU
-       RELOC(mmutype, a0)
-       movl    #MMU_68851,a0@          | no, we have PMMU
-       RELOC(machineid, a0)
-       movl    #HP_330,a0@             | and 330 CPU
+       RELOC(mmutype, %a0)
+       movl    #MMU_68851,%a0@         | no, we have PMMU
+       RELOC(machineid, %a0)
+       movl    #HP_330,%a0@            | and 330 CPU
        jra     Lstart1
-       RELOC(ectype, a0)               | 320 or 350
-       movl    #EC_VIRT,a0@            | both have a virtual address cache
-       movl    #0x80,a1@(MMUCMD)       | set magic cookie
-       movl    a1@(MMUCMD),d0          | read it back
+       RELOC(ectype, %a0)              | 320 or 350
+       movl    #EC_VIRT,%a0@           | both have a virtual address cache
+       movl    #0x80,%a1@(MMUCMD)      | set magic cookie
+       movl    %a1@(MMUCMD),d0         | read it back
        btst    #7,d0                   | cookie still on?
        jeq     Lis320                  | no, just a 320
-       RELOC(machineid, a0)
-       movl    #HP_350,a0@             | yes, a 350
+       RELOC(machineid, %a0)
+       movl    #HP_350,%a0@            | yes, a 350
        jra     Lstart1
-       RELOC(machineid, a0)
-       movl    #HP_320,a0@
+       RELOC(machineid, %a0)
+       movl    #HP_320,%a0@
         * End of 68020 section
@@ -309,27 +309,27 @@
         *      vectab+8        bus error
         *      vectab+12       address error
-       RELOC(cputype, a0)
+       RELOC(cputype, %a0)
 #if 0
        /* XXX assembler/linker feature/bug */
-       RELOC(vectab, a2)
+       RELOC(vectab, %a2)
-       movl    #_C_LABEL(vectab),a2
-       addl    a5,a2
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(vectab),%a2
+       addl    %a5,%a2
 #if defined(M68040)
-       cmpl    #CPU_68040,a0@          | 68040?
+       cmpl    #CPU_68040,%a0@         | 68040?
        jne     1f                      | no, skip
-       movl    #_C_LABEL(buserr40),a2@(8)
-       movl    #_C_LABEL(addrerr4060),a2@(12)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(buserr40),%a2@(8)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(addrerr4060),%a2@(12)
        jra     Lstart2
 #if defined(M68020) || defined(M68030)
-       cmpl    #CPU_68040,a0@          | 68040?
+       cmpl    #CPU_68040,%a0@         | 68040?
        jeq     1f                      | yes, skip
-       movl    #_C_LABEL(busaddrerr2030),a2@(8)
-       movl    #_C_LABEL(busaddrerr2030),a2@(12)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(busaddrerr2030),%a2@(8)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(busaddrerr2030),%a2@(12)
        jra     Lstart2
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
-       movl    #0,a1@(MMUCMD)          | clear out MMU again
+       movl    #0,%a1@(MMUCMD)         | clear out MMU again
 /* initialize source/destination control registers for movs */
        moveq   #FC_USERD,d0            | user space
        movc    d0,sfc                  |   as source
@@ -346,30 +346,30 @@
        movl    #MAXADDR,d1             | last page
        moveq   #PGSHIFT,d2
        lsrl    d2,d1                   | convert to page (click) number
-       RELOC(maxmem, a0)
-       movl    d1,a0@                  | save as maxmem
-       movl    a5,d0                   | lowram value from ROM via boot

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