Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Johnny C. Lam <>
List: source-changes
Date: 01/03/2001 00:11:19
Module Name:	pkgsrc
Committed By:	jlam
Date:		Tue Jan  2 22:11:18 UTC 2001

Modified Files:
	pkgsrc/x11/fltk: Makefile
	pkgsrc/x11/fltk/files: md5 patch-sum
	pkgsrc/x11/fltk/patches: patch-ab
	pkgsrc/x11/fltk/pkg: PLIST
Added Files:
	pkgsrc/x11/fltk/patches: patch-af

Log Message:
Update fltk to 1.0.10.  Modify make process to not build the test programs
during a normal build to reduce build times on slower platforms.  Relevant
changes from version 1.0.9 include various bug fixes, less memory consumption
for colors, improvements to the code generation in fluid, and improvements to
the way scrollbars and buttons are handled.  There is also the following GL
optimization for certain OpenGL implementations:

	- Performance of Fl_Gl_Window may be improved on some
	  types of OpenGL implementations, in particular MESA
	  or other software emulators, by setting the
	  GL_SWAP_TYPE environment variable.  This variable
	  declares what is in the back buffer after you do a

	      setenv GL_SWAP_TYPE COPY

	      This indicates that the back buffer is copied to
	      the front buffer, and still contains it's old
	      data. This is true of many hardware
	      implementations.  Setting this will speed up
	      emulation of overlays, and widgets that can do
	      partial update can take advantage of this as
	      damage() will not be cleared to -1.


	      This indicates that nothing changes the back
	      buffer except drawing into it.  This is true of
	      MESA and Win32 software emulation and perhaps some
	      hardware emulation on systems with lots of memory.

	  All other values for GL_SWAP_TYPE, and not setting
	  the variable, cause fltk to assumme that the back
	  buffer must be completely redrawn after a swap.

	  This is easily tested by running the gl_overlay demo
	  program and seeing if the display is correct when
	  you drag another window over it or if you drag the
	  window off the screen and back on. You have to exit
	  and run the program again for it to see any changes
	  to the environment variable.

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/x11/fltk/Makefile
cvs rdiff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/x11/fltk/files/md5
cvs rdiff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/x11/fltk/files/patch-sum
cvs rdiff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/x11/fltk/patches/patch-ab
cvs rdiff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/x11/fltk/patches/patch-af
cvs rdiff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/x11/fltk/pkg/PLIST

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.