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CVS commit: basesrc/distrib/sets

Module Name:    basesrc
Committed By:   lukem
Date:           Sun May 19 13:32:45 UTC 2002

Modified Files:
        basesrc/distrib/sets: getdirs.awk join.awk

Log Message:
- improve parsing; explicitly skip lines we don't want and use the rest.
- keep track of which items were explicitly listed, and only output directories
  at the END which weren't listed, each with a suffix of  "optional".
- convert to my awk KNF

- when joining, output all of the matching entry from the first file
  and the 2nd & subsequent lines of the entry from the second file.
- convert to my awk KNF

these changes mean that maketars use of pax will result in tar files
with the traditional behaviour of only containing the necessary
directories, rather than all the parent directories required to get to
a particular item.  this latter behaviour was necessary for METALOG
(i.e UNPRIVED) pax .tgz set file generation, until the changes above
fixed it.

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -r1.1 -r1.2 basesrc/distrib/sets/getdirs.awk \

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

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