Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/etc/etc.macppc
To: Christos Zoulas <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/07/2005 14:07:12
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On 2005.10.07 12:45:35 +0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
| In article <>,
| Rui Paulo <> wrote:
| >
| >Module Name: src
| >Committed By: rpaulo
| >Date: Fri Oct 7 11:38:19 UTC 2005
| >
| >Modified Files:
| > src/etc/etc.macppc: ttys
| >
| >Log Message:
| >Replace tty0[0-1] with ttyZ[0-1] because if we list symlinks, PAM
| >would break and remove tty0[2-7] since they don't exist.
| It is better to use names out of the pty namespace. Ie ttyZC0 or tty00.
Well, we can't use tty00 because having symlinks listed in /etc/ttys
breaks PAM (see port-macppc).
I'm not sure but, is ttyZC0 equal to ttyZ0 ? I thought not.
Also, I thought that the pty namespace included only lowercase chars,
like tty[a-z][0-f].
-- Rui Paulo
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