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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/dev/ic

On Nov 2, 2006, at 1:27 AM, David Young wrote:

There are also chips that let us write a register to set the descriptor
size to whatever we like.

Yes, that is useful.

For all other chips, we either need for the platform to ensure DMA
coherency, or else we need to arrange exclusive host/device access to
every N descriptors, where (N * sizeof(descriptor)) % sizeof (cacheline)
== 0, or else something else....

...and that should be fairly easy, since descriptors tend to be sized in powers-of-two.

Suppose I add #define bus_dma_cacheline(__tag) in an MI header, setting it to some Suitably Large number (128? 256?), and then let MD code override?
E.g., MI:

        #define bus_dma_cacheline(__tag)        ((bus_size_t)256)


        static inline bus_size_t
        _myarch_bus_dma_cacheline(bus_dma_tag_t tag)
                /* ... */
        #undef bus_dma_cacheline
        #define bus_dma_cacheline       _myarch_bus_dma_cacheline

On coherent architectures such as x86, should bus_dma_cacheline()
yield the actual cacheline size, or 1?  If 1, what should the name of
the function be?

Uh, let's not do that... I will work on this issue evenings this week and post a diff.

-- thorpej

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