Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: None <>
From: Steve Allen <>
List: tech-misc
Date: 02/23/1999 14:09:20
On Feb 21,  2:15pm, Scott Reynolds wrote:
>On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Ted Lemon wrote:
>> This begs the question, though: who are these customers of the target
>> that are different than you or I?  Why are you arguing for an
>> interpretation of what make build is used for that is different than
>> the way you actually use it?
>It's not different for that week or two where I do a number of builds in
>quick succession, but when I wrote the message I had people like Erik Fair
>and Steve Allen in mind.  I know that people do frequent builds of various

I haven't been following this closely enough to remember who's arguing
which side of the fence, but now that my name's been invoked... ;)

Yes, I do weekly builds.  I also follow the maillists and am aware of when
the important "do this first" items come up.  It only happens occasionally,
and is not any great inconvenience.  Keep the top-level Makefile simple.

I do think that a web page listing the various "must do's" is a good idea.


Steven R. Allen -   --   SGI Admin Weenie                      ICQ# 6709819
Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly.
It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.