Subject: Re: (a)sh command line editting and history patch.
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: tech-misc
Date: 04/19/1999 12:22:42
Hubert Feyrer wrote:

> On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Dave Cinege wrote:
> > This patch goes against NetBSD sh (ash) and provides basic
> > command line editing and history. It is termios based, requires
> > NO additional external libraries, and increases the binary size < 3KB.
> > (Linux compile) It was developed by Adam Rogoyski for the Linux Router
> > Project.
> Um, what's wrong with the vi/emacs compatible command line editing
> you get with "set -V/-E" since NetBSD 1.2(?)?

I'd guess that this is for a small codespace application (the router
bit sort of implies this), and may be applicable for stand-alone
applications like install media.  If it were added to NetBSD, I'd think
that HETIO _wouldn't_ be enabled by default...

Just my interpretation,

ps: Never knew about "set -V/-E".  I've always typed "set -o vi/emacs".
    You learn something new every day :-)