Subject: Re: getty/modem issue
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-misc
Date: 09/30/2000 12:56:19
On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 10:48:15AM -0500, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > Doesn't getty trigger on CD? Sounds to me like, with Adam's modem, CD
> > is asserted while the modem is still in dial mode, where any received
> > character will cause the modem to abort the connection.
> No, CD is asserted by the modem when it's connected to the remote modem.
> The connection is aborted because getty gets an EOF and exits, which
> cause the serial port to be closed and the modem to hang up.
Oh, nevermind -- I just realized it's not dialing, it's answering.
