Subject: /etc/rc.d/pf reload doesn't lose tables
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-misc
Date: 02/22/2007 19:06:39
I changed my /etc/pf.conf and did "/etc/rc.d/pf reload" and a table I had
removed from my configuration still existed.
The rc.d script has:
echo "Reloading pf rules."
if [ -f ${pf_rules} ]; then
/sbin/pfctl -q -f ${pf_rules}
warn "${pf_rules} not found; no pf rules loaded."
FreeBSD does:
echo "Reloading pf rules."
$pf_program -n -f "$pf_rules" || return 1
# Flush everything but existing state entries that way when
# rules are read in, it doesn't break established connections.
$pf_program -Fnat -Fqueue -Frules -FSources -Finfo -FTables -Fosfp > /dev/null 2>&1
$pf_program -f "$pf_rules" $pf_flags
So it checks first if rules can be parsed with -n.
Then it flushes everything except "state".
And then it loads rules (without -q).
FreeBSD also does a flush of everything with "-F all" before it loads
rules and enables pf during a "start".
Any thoughts on any of this?
I can make patch, test and commit if okay.
Jeremy C. Reed
p.s. What list for this discussion? tech-security is documented for
"security issues".