Subject: Re: PR#726
To: matthew green <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/14/1996 09:27:25
> this PR says that /usr/local/bin should be added to root's $PATH
> because /usr/local/man is in the default man path. i disagree
> with this and think the PR should be closed -- i don't want root
> exposed to "random" programs that could be in /usr/local/bin.
> i'd prefer just the system directories in there.
I agree with you. If a sysadmin wants /usr/local/bin in their root's
path, there's nothing stopping them from adding it. Root should
learn about paths... ;-) We don't ship anything in /usr/local, so
the man pages will not return info on anything that root can't get to.
Therefore, I see no reason to put /usr/local/bin in root's default
path, and there are obvious reasons for it to not be there.
Perhaps there should be some comments in the root .profile and .cshrc
about security and/or pointers to documentation. There are a lot of
people running NetBSD who are running it to learn about Unix (at least
on non-i386 platforms).
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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