Subject: Re: making pkgsrc patch sets (was: pkg/5617: Apache-1.3.0 package OS configuration not quite right)
To: Ross Harvey <>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/23/1998 14:38:00
In <> Ross Harvey <> writes:
>> From: Alistair Crooks <>
>> ...
>> Can we at least start to use __unix__, please? I do not want to have to
>> try to explain to imake, for example, to try to compile unix.c, rather
>> than 1.c. imake is borken, you say? Right. But too much depends on it to
>> change its behaviour. And, just for the record, I loathe imake with a
>> vengeance.
>> ...
>Have you ever actually seen this problem? Or is this just hypothetical?
Yes. When I was porting VNC (which uses imake), I put the unix sources
in a directory called unix (and the windows sources in a directory called
windows). I was quite puzzled when the generated makefiles used strange
pathnames with /1/ in the middle. Not funny.
>Because, if it's hypothetical, I think it's also a "cannot happen".
>You see, apparently every system except NetBSD predefines unix == 1.
NetBSD apparently does too. At least in 1.2.*. It took me a long time before
it dawned what the problem was.
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96
\X/ * You are not expected to understand this.