Subject: Re: v1.1A Y2K Compliance
To: Erick Wipprecht <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <mycroft@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/23/1998 05:57:12
> We're currently running NetBSD v1.1A on somewhere around 1600 systems. I
> was hoping to get some information on what potential Y2K problems we may
> have, if any, with this rev. If you could throw me in the direction of
> some documentation, I'd greatly appreciate it.

1.1A is known to not be year 2000 compliant.  Most of the bugs are
relatively minor (e.g. an error in the nroff macros, some utilities
that didn't accept 4-digit years) and won't affect most users.  There
were no system-wide malfunctions that I'm aware of.

Since then, we've audited our source tree, and put up a web page about
y2k compliance.  See:

If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.