Subject: Re: /usr/include/zconf.h uses HAVE_UNISTD_H
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/14/1999 19:28:33 writes:
>	I think it is better not defining it in zconf.h, as the symbol
>	will become visible to third-party user code and may affect their
>	compilation (though I believe it is rare to get bad sideeffect,
>	I prefer not defining it for safety).

Well, if zconf.h is included from third party code, don't you have to get
use of off_t right?

Christoph Badura

	Anything that can be done in O(N) can be done in O(N^2).
	-- Ralf Schuettau (after looking at a particular piece of code)