Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: /etc/rc, /etc/init.d/*, ...
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/03/1999 11:33:11
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 09:54:54PM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> >> The nice thing about the sysv S* and K* numbering is that it's all
> >> very explicit what's going on and when...
> > ... and you don't have to keep information about it in a single
> > config file again (rc.conf).
> The flip side of which, of course, is that you *can't* keep all the
> information about it in a single file, a single well-localized place so
> that you know when you want to fiddle your startup, you go there to do
> it. Instead, it's scattered all over hell's back acre. When I need to
> fiddle the boot scripts on IRIX, I usually have to resort to greps in
> the rc*.d directories to figure out what to even look at.
Oh well, you can.
I've been told to just name my rc.local file /etc/rc3.d/Snnrclocal, and
delete all else.
* Progress (n.): The process through which Usenet has evolved from
smart people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of
smart terminals. -- (obscurity)