Subject: Re: /etc/rc.d stuff
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/15/2000 13:42:50
> 2. The trend seems to be taking NetBSD closer and closer to a System
> 5ish sort of run level thingie.

Some time ago, in a discussion of a hypothetical split-up rc script
system, it was pointed out that split-up rc scripts and runlevels are,
really, orthogonal to one another.  Just because SysV has both and
traditional BSD has neither doesn't mean they have to go together.

Of course, it also says little about whether either is a good idea, and
if so for whom.

> 3. I also have seen a huge amount of negative feedback from the
> community.  [...]  And what disturbs me most is not just the negative
> reaction, but the response to it.  The feel of the response has been
> to the users who wrote in and said they didn't like it was: Tough.
> You are being a sissy for not wanting to learn the nifty new way that
> we are providing you.  We know what is best and we obviously know
> more than you,

In fact there was one message that said that in almost as many words.
FvdL wrote (of rc.subr) that it "is a part of rc.d that you do not need
to see".  The very idea that there could be such a piece is...broken.
Critically broken.

> [I]n the email flying back and forth, I see no disscussion of the
> advantages, and much disscussion of the disadvantages.


And the proponents of the new way seem to see this widespread
discontent as meaningless anti-progress grumbling, rather than evidence
that perhaps this change was a mistake.

					der Mouse

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