Subject: Re: sysv ps(1) implementation [was: ps(1) sysv silliness]
To: Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/11/2000 15:22:48
>> switch (ch) {
>> case 'B': behavior=BSD; break;
>> case 'V': behavior=SYSV (or whatever); break;
>> ...
>> }
>> if (behavior==SYSV) {
>> complain about various non-sysv options...
>> }
>> else {
>> complain about various non-bsd options...
>> }
>> do stuff
>It's not really that simple. For example, the common options "egjluU"
>are handled differently and "aopt" are the same. You'd also need to
>remember which options had been specifid to do the "complain about..."
>bit. Plus I've already done it with the separate getopts :-)
e is a binary switch both ways. so are j and l. U takes an argument
both ways. g doesn't seem to be a netbsd switch. a, o, p, and t are
handled the same way, so that's great.
my point was that you can have opt_j, opt_l, opt_U, arg_U, opt_g,
opt_a, etc, and use the options in both modes.
as to the complaints section...
if (behavior==BSD && (opt_f || opt_g || ...))
errx("bsd behavior invalid");
of course...if you've already done it the other way...don't you have
to prescan the options for the -[BV] switch? do you insist that it be
the first one? what if i wanted to do "ps -uaxww"?
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