Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: Antti Kantee <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/28/2001 10:35:20
>New file(1) uses file -C to compile the magic database into a more
>efficient format. We therefore need both host & target binaries, the
>first to compile the magic database with and the latter for normal
I'd look at doing something like this:
host-${PROG}: ${OBJS:S,.o,.lo,}
generated-file: ${HOST_PROG}
We (netbsd) have a but in my build at work I found it more
convenient to include the handling of .lo and HOST_LINK.c etc
in the normal *.mk
>Well, the real fun part is of course that we'd actually need to run the
>_target_ file binary to create a compiled database which is usable on
>the target.
That would be a bug in the design :-)