Subject: Re: ignoring return values from functions.
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/19/2001 04:12:20
Simon Burge <> writes:

>My personal opinion is that using "(void)..." just clutters things
>unnecessarily.  I propose adding the trailing diff (is there a better

Casting return values to (void) is even explicitly discouraged by
several style guides and probably stems from the use of some checking
tools (some versions of lint perhaps?) and compilers which were a bit
overzealous with things...
I would propose sticking to the style as published in the Kernighan&
Ritchie authored books (or Kernighan&Pike, 1999), although this is
then again somewhat different from NetBSD's style again, but only
in details.
